What are the signs of stress overload?
Stress is a normal and important part of life – it helps you to get motivated and to kick goals. But stress can also work against you if it starts spiralling out of control. Check out this video to help you recognise the signs that you might not be coping with stress.
Left unchecked, too much stress can lead to even bigger problems.
Stress can be a really good thing in some situations, giving you that boost of energy that gets you through a job interview or the final minutes of a sports match, but it’s important to recognise when it’s getting a bit too much. Here are some signs that you might not be coping well with stress or are experiencing stress overload. You might:
have difficulty relaxing
have trouble sleeping
not look your best, or be taking less care with your appearance
feel like you’re under constant pressure
feel overwhelmed or like you’re losing control
feel nervous, shaky or anxious
feel nauseous or have an upset stomach
feel down or depressed
have negative or pessimistic thoughts
have mood swings or be easily irritated
feel sick more often than is normal
have a lower-than-usual sex drive
be more forgetful or distracted than usual
be withdrawing from family and friends
be avoiding your responsibilities and things you should be doing
have some nervous habits, such as nail biting, pacing or fidgeting.
If you’ve identified that you’re under a lot of stress and aren’t coping well, it’s important to realise that there are things you can do to better manage stress.
Want to know more about coping with stress? For answers to your questions, Ask ReachOut.
What can I do now?
Learn more about stress and what you can do to manage it.
Practising mindfulness is a great way to deal with stress. Find out some different ways you can build mindfulness here.
Find out what stress does to your body, and what you can do about it.