Ways to Relax: Food

By ReachOut Content Team
Published 11 October 2023

Baking and cooking videos appeal to your brain’s attraction to symmetry and repetition, while also showing you something new.

Maybe you’re an aspiring baker or homecook yourself, or you just love food – baking and cooking is actually a great self-care activity. The process of following a recipe and getting your senses involved when touching, smelling and tasting the ingredients, is a form of mindfulness since it lets you be present in the moment.

Wilton Cakes

From cute animals to OTT floral designs, it’s all about the icing here. These mesmerising videos will relax you while letting you appreciate the art of cake decorating.


If you’re looking to chill out but also be low-key productive, this channel has videos of all sorts of food being made. These recipes use cheap, everyday ingredients and simple techniques, so you can get heaps of dinner and meal prep ideas!

You can also learn about different cuisines through recipe channels, e.g. Taste, the Chinese Recipes Show and Spain on a Fork.

Miniature Cusina

This channel is full of cooking videos with a twist...it’s all mini! All the sounds of chopping, stirring and sizzling are there, engaging your senses and helping you be present in the moment.

You can also check out Tiny Kitchen if you’d prefer an overlay of music.

What can I do now?

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